Wednesday, December 9, 2009

As if I needed another reason to get naked...

I wanted to change one of the lines in Origami today, but as I was trying to re-record it I just couldn't get it to sound right.

The vocals were originally recorded in the shower, giving them this cool reverby effect that goes with the whole etherealness of the rest of the song. So I was back in the shower tonight and I kept singing new line over and over again, but there was never any reverb when I played it back. The whole dreamy feel was gone and I couldn't figure out why.

Then, it hit me. I recorded the original vocals back in August, which means that it was balls-ass hot, which means that I was butt-ass naked. I needed to get naked again. My thick December pajamas were dampening the reverb and soaking up all the ethereal.

So I braved the December cold (there's no central heating in our apartment), dropped trow, and got back in that shower. I'm happy to say that it worked.

So let that be a lesson to you: If things aren't going your way, get naked.

This is a quick preview of Origami. The line I recorded tonight was "Endless fields of ripe blueberries."

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