Sunday, September 27, 2009

I sang in church (but it's not like that)

I taught my first music class today in a small church near the English school I work at. They wanted to learn a song in English, so I chose "Love Me Do" by the Beatles because it's so simple. At my boss' request I also did "Amazing Grace".

It felt a little weird to be sitting in church singing a song praising God, but I agreed because it is a beautiful song. That's the great thing about atheism, you don't have any faith to violate.

The class went really well. I tried to focus on teaching them the meaning of the songs while also touching on the pronunciation of some of the trickier words. Although, since "Amazing Grace" was written in like 1779 it is filled with tricky words like toils, wretch, thus far, and 'twas.

It did feel cool to have a whole chorus singing along with me, though.

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